Fight Club vs. Napoleon Dynamite



This doesn't seem like it would be so incredibly difficult.

Not hard.

Oh man, this is a tough one. I hate both films equally.

Oh Gosh....this was easy...

Napoleon Dynamite is a failed attempt at humor. Even Fight Club is funnier than that offensive douche you want to smack in the face that is Napoleon Dynamite. Fight Club by far.

Fight Club with the easy victory.

Napoleon Dynamite. I guess I saw that movie at just the right time in my life since I've always enjoyed it. Fight Club is good but nothing too special.

Fight Club is great i wounder if the mass of people who watch it fully understand it? its a smart mans film so many layers and precise camera tricks with a scrip that psychedelic you only see the full picture after multiple views unless you look for the puzzle. Fight Club is champ!

Napoleon 1,000 times over.


Dynamite is fun but it is no Fight Club.