Fight Club vs. They Live



Tough call here. They Live was a great concept, but a boring movie, while Fight Club was a thrilling movie with a vacant intellectual center. I gotta go with my gut... Fight Club takes it.

both are smart films and very fun! I find They Live to be more relevant now and the story still is awesome! I never found it boring, slow yes but it builds so crazy and spooky! and Boring films are the best films cause they'er smart and made better! without all the action and fake cgi and explosions blinding you from the truth of the faults in the film! Fight Club is a fun and original film as well here! i just like They Live More! ps sometime movie are not to entertain but to inform and still be a worth while expierance that last much longer!

Fight Club for better cinematography, satire, and action

Two of my favourite Directors. I’ll take Fight Club