The World's End vs. Shaun of the Dead



I'm not sure if this will be an unpopular opinion or not, but I prefer the World's End. I find it more intriguing and complicated, and with fantastic foreshadowing, excellent cinematography, great dialogue and fantastic acting from everyone involved, especially Pegg and Frost. Shaun is great, and this is definitely really close, but World's End is fantastic.

Shaun for the moment but after re-watching The World's End a few more times it could be a harder decision

The World's End was very funny, but I prefer Shaun of the Dead.

I absolutely loved The World's End, and it would probably be the one I'd re-watch, but I think Shaun wins barely.

I prefer The World's End. Shaun of the Dead is, of course, amazing, but The World's End is a more fulfilling end to the trilogy than Shaun of the Dead is a beginning. I think we can all agree that the Cornetto trilogy is darn near perfect (okay maybe not everyone will agree about that but it's what I think).

I prefer The World's End as well. The humor seemed a bit more subtle and overall I found it to be funnier.

I would say The World's End, even though it's still fresh in my mind. Both fantastic.

Love both, but Shaun is just so near and dear to my heart. I still think it has the best characters, humor and drama of any of the Cornettos.

I loved World's End. I think Shaun of the Dead is better, though. I think it's the best showcase of Edgar wright's creativity.

World's End is more interesting gets better and better surely it counts of SOTD

Both are fantastic, but Shaun of the Dead is slightly better.


Both are great. Shaun of the Dead is slightly better.

They are both just too good to choose between the two...

Shaun is good, for sure. But The World's End is the only Cornetto trilogy movie with drama that hits home.

I actually found Shaun a bit depressing. This may be unpopular but Shaun is my least favourite, partly because of that. For me it's Hot Fuzz > The World's End > Shaun of the Dead.

Hmmm, they were both ok. Mid range movies for me. I think the World's End has a little more there than Shaun of the Dead.