The Thing vs. Return of the Jedi



Jedi is the better film, AND it's star wars. Easy choice.

even though the thing is the best horror movie ever return of the jedi is the better movie

Well, since I believe at least half of the Star Wars movies to be crap, I can't confidently use the "It's Star Wars" justification for choosing Return of the Jedi. In fact, Jedi is one of the crap Star Wars movies. It is true that The Thing doesn't have the space battles or speeder bike chases, but it also does not have Ewoks and lame attempts at humor. I will concede that the confrontation between Luke and Vader is handled pretty well, but everything else in Jedi is so stupid that the dramatic impact of their scenes together is severely cheapened. The Thing doesn't mix an epic battle between Light & Darkness with scenes of idiotic slapstick performed by muppets like Jedi does, but instead tells its story in a more dignified manner. There are inventively gruesome gore scenes and an effective atmosphere of dread in The Thing, but you will never see an Ewok or a burp joke. And that, folks, is enough for a win.

I never liked Jedi.

Love Thing a top 5 best Horror film but Jedi is so much part of my childhood and still fascinates me with awe and wonder.

Jedi. Easy.

The Thing is a masterful sci-fi flick, but I've decided to go with Return of the Jedi, because it manages to satisfy the inner childhood in me to this day.

The Thing is another movie that beats Jedi with ease.

Kind of surprising. I know Jedi is Star Wars, but that's not nearly enough to beat a horror masterpiece like The Thing.

The Thing is far better than every useless Star Wars franchise..

I love Return Of The Jedi but the creepiness and gore of The Thing hasn’t left my mind since the first time I saw it!

The Thing > Every Star Wars movie.