Lawrence of Arabia vs. Dune



I'm betting this isn't a hard decision for most people. But, for me, these are the two great Desert Movies. "Dune" is the first movie I ever remember seeing. I must have been three or four, and the Disney Channel... of all places... would play it late at night. I loved it then, and when I was old enough for Lynch's other flicks I became a confirmed fan. But it just can't be compared to "Lawrence" in terms of quality. "Lawrence" has what is arguably the greatest screenplay ever written (by Robert Bolt) and the greatest screen performance (Peter O'Toole, of course). It was my favorite film for years. I have to go with "Lawrence of Arabia", but deep in my soul "Dune" is the one I love. P.S. The third-best Desert Movie is "Bitter Victory".

My love of great scifi makes this choice for me