The Prestige vs. Amadeus



I loved Amadeus' first and second acts, though, I felt its third act was a little weak. However, I feel that The Prestige is strong all the through, so it wins for me.


I like Amadeus, it’s not on the Prestige’s level.

It appears I’ve left the impression on some that I’m a virulent critic of film (correct), but a passionate advocate of other forms of art - particularly literature (incorrect). In fact, I probably belong to the Oscar Wilde School of “All art is thoroughly useless,” or the Harold Bloom School of “Reading Shakespeare, Milton, Dante will not make us better human beings.” In any case, I’m more than aware of Illuminati initiates hijacking the art scene centuries ago, through such luminaries as Mozart (Freemason), Mark Twain (Freemason), Kipling (Freemason), Conan Doyle (Freemason), Cervantes (Jesuit), Victor Hugo (Rosicrucian), Von Goethe (Bavarian Illuminati), Francis Bacon (Freemason/Rosicrucian), William Butler Yeats (Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn), John Milton (Royal Society) and scores more. So when I speak highly of literary figures I only speak to their relative superiority over filmmakers who - without question - belong to the very bottom of the artistic pecking order. Moreover, without reading and writing well, one has little chance of becoming literate and educated, and of developing one’s own worldview, thought process, imagination and authentic self. It really comes down to this: Reading is indispensable while film-viewing most certainly isn’t. If you feel any trepidation reading the works of Secret Society initiates, feel free to read scripture or philosophy or theology or anything else you deem wholesome, because deep reading should be an essential activity. But I can’t think of any such justification for something as wasteful, useless and tailor-made for propaganda purposes as film - which isn’t even a legitimate art-form imo. The motion picture, sadly, has accomplished more for the elites in one century than all other older art-forms combined.


I could make a case for both films as they are both brilliant and accomplished films. I personally prefer The Prestige but I think that Amadeus from a critical perspective is the superior achievement. I could change my mind tomorrow.