The Empire Strikes Back vs. A Christmas Story



These are both very iconic films, but A Christmas Story has better writing. It is strange that this is Bob Clarke's masterpiece; the same guy who made Porky's and Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things (a great zombie film that deserves more recognition). I remember Roger Ebert once made the comment that A Christmas Story is too predictable. That's silly. Santa giving the kid the boot down the slide? The Leg Lamp? It's so popular now that we forget how odd this film really is. Empire Strikes Back is the best of the first three Star Wars, with an unsurpassed variety of space environments and a really dark tone I like. But I don't think that necessarily makes it a more imaginative film than A Christmas Story. Not to mention the strange tradition of showing the movie for 24 hours every Christmas on cable. That's cult status, making it a cult film. A Christmas Story WINNNNNNNSSSSSS

I love both of these films. "A Christmas Story" is, as mentioned, very well-written and I would dare say a better made film. my personal "impossible choice" test of "If both of these titles were sitting on the table in front of me, which would I watch first," I'd have to go with "Empire." I love a good action adventure romp and if there's sci fi involved, all the better.

Aww, man...Tie!

You'll chop your hand off, kid!