Memento vs. Fight Club



Their both so good! Is there an "I can't decide" button available???

Memento. No hesitation. Fight Club is fantastic, but it's not THAT fantastic.

This comparison is giving me a hard time

it's imposible to decide... both movies are in my favorites list!!!!!

lol, it is asking me what is better, fight club or memento! LOL

Only choosing because I have to, but i'd have to go with Fight Club mainly because of the twist the first time you see it. If there was a button for a tie that would be the correct response

Memento takes this. Fight Club had a big pop influence of the people of it's generation, but it can't touch the craft of Memento.


Not even second guessing this -- Memento.


Gotta go with Memento. It's a bit more mind blowing than Fight Club was. Besides, it involves a very intricate and complex plotline that makes you think backwards. It's perfect.

I wasn't as impressed with Memento as a lot of people were. I liked the idea of a story told backwards, but I give Fight Club the win.

there no risk to said that fight club is best movie all time

Memento took a style of narration and turned it on its head to an even greater degree than Tarantino did with Pulp Fiction. Fight Club is good up until the big twist, from there, it got kind of silly. Memento Wins!

Fight Club wins.

Fight Club is stylish and entertaining, but it's not as emotionally compelling as Memento.

Memento is miles ahead of overrated Fight Club.

I love both, but this is pretty easy for me: Memento.

I didn't care much for Fight Club. It was a one watcher for me. It's more fun to quote the movie than it is to watch it. Memento on the other hand is epic for me because of its ambiguity. Every time I watch it, I'm sure I understand everything perfectly, and then that one little detail throws me off.

"Memento" was a mind game. "Fight Club" was a thrill ride. I prefer the latter.

this has been the hardest so far, I think fight club but there is not a loser here...

Fight Club is the more entertaining of the two, but it also has a mean spiritness to it that I don't really like. So close...but Memento it is.

Memento is far superior to Fight Club. least for me...


Fight Club has been growing on me considerably.

Memento but barely, I personally was able to connect with the characters in Memento a bit better than Fight Club. Some of the fighting scenes go a bit overboard and just lead to a disconnection.

Fight Club!

*Spoiler alert for any idiot who comments on two movies without having seen them both!* Both of these films involve twists that expose the "bad guy" pretty late in the film, although I always thought Fight Club's twist was telegraphed a bit too much. I think that, like Pulp Fiction, Fight Club is an enjoyable bit of 90s nostalgia, but the revelation near the end of Memento flips the entire movie on its head and leaves us despising the character we rooted for the whole time. Memento by a landslide. There's just nothing like it.

Fight Club!!

Love both movies, but Memento wins folks. It has a special place in my heart. Memento is easily the most re-watchable movie I've ever seen. Most re-watchable movies may get better after seeing it twice and then your level of enjoyment kinda levels off. You never get tired of it, but it maintains it's level of enjoyment from there on. But I've seen Memento 3 times and it kept getting better. I literally think I could watch it 10 times with each viewing topping the previous one. Amazing feat for Nolan in the early going of his career.

Memento made me focus and watch more intently than any other movie... Fight Club made me go to the barber and ask for the "Brad Pitt in fight club look" (true story..)

I love both, but I love Fight Club more.

Memento has an amazing structure using an enticing reverse-chronological narrative. Fight Club has brilliant directing and a rebellious message that set it apart from other films. Both top 10 films at the moment but I think Fight Club wins

I find Fight Club kind of overrated.

Oh yeah and Memento is incredible.

Both are excellent but Memento wins for sure.

Memento doesn't have much of a rewatch factor, so Fight Club for me.

Fight club will always be #1

Memento wins this match up for me.It has a better ending.But both are amazing


also, why do people keep on voting the wrong movie

Even that JRM guy who says "Without a doubt" voted fight club... -.-

I'm also not "cheating" if that's what you're think I'm doing; I'm doing "placeholder" votes just in case those other guys never change their votes. If they really want to vote for fight club they can just comment again. (On the other hand removing votes is impossible)

The early 2000's are all about mind fucks eh? Love them both but Tyler Durdan kicks too much ass.

Sorry! this time i prefer Fight Club is a little more entertaning and with a better and own realize history in my opinion


You can't mention Fight Club.

Memento nails it...

Both are in my top 10, fight club is the greatest movie ever made in my opinion. It’s going to have to take something crazy to change my opinion on that.

Memento is more well written and experimental!

Definitely Memento! Fight is still perfect but Memento is much indeed unstoppable here.

Memento not even close...

Memento far indeed successful and fight club ain't that great simple.

Memento is far better.

Memento owns this in every way.

Memento by a hair but this could change