Se7en vs. Eyes Wide Shut



There was something off about EWS's pacing. It was fine for the most part but at times it felt as if Kubrick wished to linger around the same scene without much eventfulness. Se7en is perfect in almost every aspect of filmmaking.

Both are awesome, deep movies. Masterpieces of the 90's! Both have great directors, and fine acting. Seven was twisted and all, but I do got problems with its pacing, while EWS flew by. Taking Eyes here.

Unlike the comments above, I don't have any problems with the pacing of either film! Both are deep, well directed and brilliantly acted. Morgan Freedom is brilliant in Se7en like how Tom Cruise is brilliant in Eyes Wide Shut. Who wins? I think EWS has more substance and it is a lot more thought provoking so I will pick that! Still have Se7en in my top 50 because of it's compelling mystery!

Se7en all day no contest


Two fine films with a slight edge to Kubrick's final masterpiece.

Both are perfect films but I will eyes wide shut the edge since I constantly think about more. very close match-up tough.

Eyes wide shut left me more intrigued