RoboCop vs. Judge Dredd



Call me crazy, but I actually liked Stallone's Dredd more than the RoboCop remake. I mean, sure, Stallone's Dredd is every action film cliche ever meets Star Wars, but that's partially the reason why it is as entertaining as it is. People love to shit on it and cry foul that "Dredd takes his helmet off" which, c'mon, that's a stupid reason to hate a movie. I'm pretty sure Catwoman and Bane had wildly different origins in The Dark Knight Rises compared to the comics, yet I didn't hear anyone complain about that. Anyway, I think's fun. Dumb fun, but fun nonetheless. The RoboCop remake was just lame. It had the studio's fingerprints all over it and it just felt like a generic Dark Knight clone. Even the RoboCop suit looked like someone crossed Iron Man with Batman. And Jackie Earle Haley looked liked he just walked off the set of Elysium, along with some of the robots. It feels like the filmmakers wanted to remake anything but RoboCop, but they used the name anyway to lure in fans of the original. Judge Dredd at least had some flavor to it, RoboCop '14 was forgettable and pretty much the definition of "meh".