Con Air vs. Wild Wild West



This is tough. Nicolas Cage, John Malkovich, John Cusack, and Steve Buscemi all got together, and the movie they made was Con-Air. But, every once in awhile, while doing something mundane like shopping for groceries, I'll stop, look off into the distance, and say to myself 'damn, wild wild west was an awful movie'.

I will see your "awful" and go you two more, TheWorkingDead, by adding "Wild Wild West was an awful, awful, sincerely disappointing movie. " This one truly hurt, because I actually had some hopes pinned to it for several months. Con-Air, despite the fantastic cast, did not for me. I just went thinking it would be a big, crazy, dopey action film, which it was. I can deal with stupid for stupid's sake. Con-Air did ultimately disappoint because it turned out to be an idiot's playground, but Wild Wild West fucked with a nostalgic and emotional legacy within me that had been there since my youth misspent being obsessed with the original series. I thought the casting just might work, loved the director (at the time), and loved Kline, Hayek and Branagh (still do). That the only part that I allow myself to recall is Hayek's derriere says something about the results.