The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring vs. Raging Bull



Fellowship of the Ring get's the nod.

Raging Bull is quite tough to beat.

Fellowship gets my vote.

Gotta go Fellowship....but this is so damn close.

Fellowship. However, that said I do love RB though I've only ever seen it once. Fellowship I've seen at least 6 or 7 times and gets better every time, hence its my favorite movie ever.

Ragin bull, sorry frodo

LOTR is my 1# Raging Bull is my 8# list

Ha, Fellowship gets the nod....!!

Raging Bull loses again

Raging Bull NOW

FOTR, sorry raging bull


Sorry.. Raging Bull you lost

Raging Bull is way better. Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci are also far better actors than those in LOTR.

I love LOTR as much as the next guy and can appreciate the way it appeals to basically everyone, but c''s up against Raging Bull, one of Martin Scorsese's greatest works. I don't think it's even possible to make an argument for Fellowship winning.

Winner by a technical K.O. it's the Raging Bull!.