Three Kings vs. Batman Begins



Surprisingly tough...

I thought this was tough at first glance, but it turned out to be an easy choice.

Both for Three Kings, huh? I can easily pick Begins here. Kings was good but Nolan is a master of his craft.

Both great movies, but I gotta go with Begins.

Three Kings is more topical, but it's a bit silly and the moral themes and political implications of the film are superficial. It's a film that wants to be deep and resonant, but just doesn't quite work. And the stupid smash cuts and overt cinematic flairs and incessantly quirky characters make it seem like O'Russell is trying too hard to be clever and cool. the film works best when it's most straightforward, which is less often than i would have liked. Batman Begins isn't trying too hard to be much of anything but itself, and I actually prefer it to The Dark Knight. It's a fantastic superhero flick (maybe the best), an action hero creation myth with an engaging performance from Bale, exceptional pacing, and lots of fun moments. For its relative lack of pretension and (ironically) its more emotionally realistic characters, Batman Begins.

This is tough. Nolan was just developing the world and style of his Batman universe, which means a lot of back-story and not the insane blend of drama and action that The Dark Knight brought (it also lacked the mesmerizing bad guy to counter Bale's presence). That and having to deal with Katie Holmes as a distracting sub par female lead. Kings is raw, but very insightful , it's is one of the few American films to deal with the Iraq topic prior to 9/11. This is a virtual tie to me, so the tie breaker is, there are other Batman movies that are better, and not many other movies like Three Kings. Winner Kings.