The Dark Knight vs. The Sixth Sense



Shit man this is hard. Two box office giants of there respective years gets head to head here. Both are awesome movies with amazing screenplay. In both movies the lead performance gets overshadowed by two epic performances.Heath Ledger in dark knight and Haley Joel Osment in the sixth sense. The supporting cast on both this movies are brilliant. Above all both these movies are rewatchable and entertaining. the sixth sense has the edge for now

Nothing beats the Sixth Sense allthough the Dark Knight is an awsome movei as well.


The Dark Knight rules here.

My sixth sense tells me that TDK is the right answer here.

^ I was going to write exactly that but now I have nothing...

^ That's 'cause we are soul brothers (collective unconscious?). On a side note, however, I've wanted to share something for a long time: I've realized, after spending almost five years on Flickchart, that this site is probably a goldmine for any psychologist researching Cryptomnesia, an occurrence wherein we think a thought or idea is original and our own, but in reality we had picked it up from somewhere and mistakenly thought it arose through our own inspiration. Having fallen into this trap of "unintended plagiarism" numerous times myself, I wish to point out how fellow enthusiasts (in this case cinephiles) have similar thought processes and interpretations of the same works; and since it's not feasible to go through every previous discussion to ensure if an idea/insight hasn't been said before, one may get the feeling that the same ideas tend to be circulated. That's why I have to rack my brains hard in order to come up with insights or expressions that are remotely original; but most of the time I fail.

^ That's way more information than what I desired (in fact, I desired no information of that kind at all) but I still appreciate it in some way