The Karate Kid vs. Jaws



Fuck you.

Wow, too classic movies. I hate having to choose, but I guess that is the name of the game. I have to go with Karate Kid

Get him a body bag! Yeaaahhhh!!!

I am shocked that Karate Kid is up 3-0 right now. Jaws is 100 times better, at least.

Defeat does not exist in The Karate Kid's dojo.

Bigger Jaws.

What beats Jaws? Goofy 80's goodness....The Karate Kid.

Karate Kid wins

Sharks > aryan jock bullies

The Cobra Kai had a black guy, didn't they? I think they might've had a fat dude, too. The Cobra Kai has always embraced diversity.

Jaws is a far better film. Kid is just another gimmick movie that follows the Rocky routine. Except the characters emotions come off as silly because well.....rather than facing a damn KILLER SHARK they are facing a couple of bullies........

......on top of that jaws has me jumping out of chair cheering for the characters to overcome the odds....the karate kid has me sleeping in my seat.

surprised to see so many on this one. I'll go jaws but this is indeed very close

Jaws by far

Sweep the leg, Johnny

I has 10 view of Jaws per 1 view of Karate Kid. Shit. I really used-to-love Karate Kid, I still loving it, but Jaws, Jaws.

duh..nuh....duhh nuhhh