The Social Network vs. No Country for Old Men



These films have some extremely tight and witty dialogue. I'm going with the Coens.

no country for me I have already voiced my opinions on the social network so I wont get going again


I consider The Social Network to be a perfect film. Even more so than No Country, and that movie is in my top 20.

The Network. Sucks me in every time...

The final act of No Country for Old Men takes the overall film down a few notches, in my opinion. The Social Network wins for being more consistently good.

Love the soundtrack and editing of the social network

No Country. TSN can't compare.

No Country has more depth.

Breaking the tie in "No Country's" favor.

Two surefire best picture winners (Social Network won Golden Globe). No Country is too masterful in my opinion.

No Country is the better film in my eyes.

TSN is a masterpiece, but No Country is one of my favorites.

The Social Network was well-acted, but overdrawn and boring. No Country is entertaining from start to finish.