The Lion King vs. Pocahontas



I can't even describe just how let down i was after seeing Pocahontas in theatres. Not only is it one of the weakest films int he Disney animated canon but to directly follow Lion King makes it look even worse.

Number 1 and 1A on my favorite Disney movies list. I have more history with Lion King so I have to go with that, but Pocahontas is every bit as good, maybe better.

Fun fact: Both were in production at the same time and Disney put their best people of Pocahontas, as it was projected to be a hit while The Lion King was considered too experimental. Most animators made the choice themselves to work on Pocahontas since they saw it as the more prestigious work. Look how that turned out. The Lion King remains one of the greatest animated films ever made. Long live the king

Lion King all day!

Is this a joke? LION KING ALL THE WAY.