Superbad vs. Pineapple Express



Oh wow. Really funny "highschool kids want to get laid" comedy, or really funny "stoner" comedy. Decisions Decisions.

They both SUCK

YOU SUCK. I think they're both better-than-average comedies.

Although I highly enjoy the nerdtastic elements of Superbad as well as the witty banter, Pineapple Express just had something smokingly special...I don't even know what that means.

These both made me pee. But I'll take a stoner James Franco over an isnecure Jonah Hill any time.

Superbad is better than most of the garbage made for adolescents, so I'm glad the movie exists. That said, Pineapple Express is hilarious and is just as funny on the second viewing. My vote goes Pineapple.

I love these movies, they are hilarious the best comedys of the last years. But I prefer Pineapple Express because the stoner Franco over McLovin

Superbad wins. It had more content. Pineapple was great for a mindless laugh, but Superbad was better.

The only beef I have is that Superbad reminds me of similar experiences when I was in high school. Pineapple Express has fewer penis jokes too.


Both are really funny. I guess,Superb ad.

Superbad is at least periodically funny...

Superbad was funny but really unoriginal seen and heard it all before While Pineapple was a real adventure and had a good bromance as well as great High times!