Citizen Kane vs. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring



So, what do most people ask themselves when picking a movie? Is it, "Which is the better film?", or "Which movie did I enjoy more?". If I ask myself the first question, Citizen Kane gets points for its groundbreaking techniques and directing, but then again, The Lord of the Rings hardly pales in comparison as a work of art. On the other hand, as far as which movie I enjoy more, LOTR wins out without question. I enjoyed Citizen Kane enough, but I have watched LOTR several times, and will watch it again in the future. So, on my list, as movies I enjoy, every installment of LOTR will win out over a great work of art in Citizen Kane.

I ask "Which is the better film?" and in that regard, this matcup is no contest. Citizen Kane by miles and miles.

People won't like this, but I'm not a Citizen Kane fan, at all. I don't mind saying that because it's not that it's an older film or anything like that. Some of my favorites are from the 40's and 50's. I do note that I may need to see it again, and my ranking of Kane may rise. But I can only go from now, which is LOTR

I don't like Citizen Kane either, Shane. At all. I love all types of films and it hurts my feelings a bit that I didn't love Citizen Kane. But, alas, I found it incredibly boring and have zero desire to ever see it again. LOTR is currently my #1.

When I first watched Citizen Kane, I also found it quite boring and wondered how anyone could possibly like this movie. When I gave it a second viewing, I did end up enjoying it a bit more. I'll probably never be a big fan of the film, but I definitely understand now how somebody else might like it. It's a good film...just not my kind of film. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring IS my kind of film.

I enjoyed Citizen Kane a lot more than I thought I would. It excels in all departments, the technical innovation is both obvious and superb, and it tells a story accessible to all, and I believe it deserves all the recognition it receives. However, my Flickchart is less about best films and more about favourite films, and all the LOTR films beat Citizen Kane, no contest.

I just recently re-watched Citizen Kane and think it's fantastic. No wonder it used to be the pinnacle of American cinema at one point. Over time it will definitely surpass many films on my list, but not Fellowship.

Citizen Kane is a masterpiece. I can not say the same thing about Lord of the Rings. However, Fellowship of The Ring is getting there.

I'm a sucker for storytelling creativity and pioneering, makes me enjoy the heck out of myself watching Citizen Kane. Dang it!! But I loved so much LotR with my friends...!


I really need to do my Fellowship Rewatch already.

Any Lord of the Rings over Kane.

Citizen Kane crushes LOTR in every possible way

Easily Fellowship....