Independence Day vs. Star Wars



My favorite scifi movies! I'm going for STAR WARS just because of the childhood importance factor. :)

I was exactly the right age to see Independence Day in the theater. It holds more fun for me now. Star Wars isn't even the best Star Wars film.

Independence Day is a great popcorn flick. Star Wars is, to say the least, not.

Both of these movies end with a do or die assault on an enemy battlestation capable of mass destruction. What makes any climactic assault meaningful is the story that lead up to it, and the characters involved. Pretty much none of the characters in Independence Day mattered to me, and I wasn't all that concerned about any of them being wiped out. Yeah, sure, the human race was facing extinction, but the movie didn't succeed in making me care. With Star Wars, I got to know Luke and Han and the rest of the gang, and the Empire seemed sufficiently assholish to deserve to be defeated based on the information provided. Those sonsofbitches could annihilate an entire planet without even having to raise an eyebrow. The aliens in Independence Day were powerful, but at least they had to work at defeating a planet. Anyway, so the final assault in Star Wars was better (even if Luke was a bit whiny throughout the movie) because I cared more about what happened. Also, Darth Vader and Tarkin were much more menacing than the generic alien invaders. There you have it.

Independence Day i a fun action flick. Star Wars is so much more.


I could see my opinion changing, but I'm voting for Star Wars.

Puh. Lease. Not even close. Star Wars has some of the most memorable characters, arguably the best villain of all time, groundbreaking visuals (and NO, the visuals in ID4 were not groundbreaking, since Jurassic Park predated it), and Han Solo, Chewbacca, and R2-D2. Who in the Clear Blue Hell was in ID4? A jive-talkin' asshole of a main character that actually punched an alien in the face? Jeff Goldblum doing a Jeff Goldblum From Jurassic Park impression? HARVEY FIERSTEIN?? Eff that movie in the A. Oh yeah, and the story is a direct rip-off of the 1953 War of the Worlds, including a "cold" killing the aliens (who in ID4, apparently use Microsoft Windows) and the iconic shot of a building being blown to smithereens with a single blast.

Star Wars for all the reasons admiralpiett stated

I'm hardly a hardcore George Lucas fan, and Empire is my favorite of the Star Wars films, but the original is fun. Its characters are relatable, the plotline is clear and concise, and it introduced one of the most iconic villains of all time. Independence Day has none of the above virtues: it was a big fat mess of a movie dripping in corniness.

The Death Star over the alien mothership.

Independence Day is fine, but damn, it gets crushed here!