Schindler's List vs. Life Is Beautiful



Wow...Holocaust smackdown! I went with Schindler's List -- Speilberg's B&W seriousness has aged much better than Benigini's concentration clown schtick.

I can only imagine how Hitler feels about this. Schindler's List was serious and brutal while Life Is Beautiful had a more silly and funny perspective. One is a masterpiece while the other is just a really good movie. I'm going with LIB mainly because of the entertainment value. LIB is a short, sweet, silly little film and I would rather prefer that to a much longer, serious, brutal holocaust film

Im choosing Schindler's list. Though I have to admit its not an easy choice

Schindler's List wins this one.

I don't care how dumb this sounds but I'm picking Life is least as of now. Schindler's List had an amazing last hour and a strong opening half hour but the middle, for me, dragged whereas Life is Beautiful movied along at a fantastic pace for the entire runtime.

I'll go Schindler...

life is beautiful. Schindler by far is the much for real and better made film but for myself personally i would sway to life is beautiful.

REALLY tough choice as both are among the greatest Holocaust films ever made (which I account to being more triumphant and not being as overly-depressing as most movies of this genre), but edge goes to Schindler's List for its grander scale.

Life is beautiful wins this match up. Roberto Benigni's amazing performance gives it the edge

Life is beautiful wins this match up. Roberto Benigni's amazing performance gives it the edge

Both brilliant films but Schindler's List was more depressing than Life Is Beautiful.

Roberto Benigni's performance is exquisite in LiB, but I have to go with Schindler's List