Star Trek: The Motion Picture vs. Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones



My first Star Trek vs Star Wars! Too bad Star Trek TMP didn't really become the movie anyone wanted

Okay, I'm a Trekkie, and I would normally relish the idea of having a Trek movie slaughter the Star Wars prequels...but damn, The Motionless Picture actually puts me to sleep! So needed to be at least 45 minutes shorter. At least Attack of the Clones has Jango Fett, the Battle of Geonosis and Yoda vs. Dooku....

The worst Star Trek vs. the worst Star Wars, eh? Have to go with Trek for being boring rather than utterly grating.

The motionless picture may be a weak film, but Clones is just pure crap.

I agree with johnmason- The Motion Picture is awfully boring, poorly written story and characters and just not immersive. As terrible as all the prequels are, AOTC has to win!

NO Atleast Attack of the clones had a cool story and greta action yes the acting was bad and the dialog was awful but same can be said about Star Trek and that film went nowhere!