One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest vs. The Matrix



I loved Matrix's highly complex plot but I'm still choosing the classic over it.

The Matrix still wins here. Despite the excitement of the climax in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

At this point, I think we can say BOTH these movies are classics. The Matrix is one of the movies that made me love movies, so that's my winner here.

The Matrix. Not a knock on Cuckoo's Nest....just doesn't compare with my love for the original bullet time....

Cuckoo's Nest is the true classic here.

One flew over Matrix


Cuckoos nest

Matrix by a bit its so fun and smart the best sci-fi film of the last 20 years beats the best film of the early-mid 70's.

The Matrix. Don`t get me wrong, One Flew Over the Cuckoo`s Nest is a brilliant, brilliant film, but The Matrix is a really tough one to crack.

The Matrix for now...

Cuckoo's Nest for now...

Both masterpieces. Matrix is better.


Cuckoo's Nest is hard to beat.