Star Wars: The Force Awakens vs. It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World



It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World is no masterpiece, but it's pretty funny. I like it. The Force Awakens is a masterpiece, though - it'll beat IAMMMMW any day.

What could happen to an Old Fashioned?

The sheer insanity of Its a Mad Mad Mad Mad World gives it the edge in the end, but by merely a hair.

It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad World (sorry I got carried away) is really good. The plot is great, I love the real time feel and there's a lot of funny and amusing jokes. Unfortunately, it loses here purely because some characters I found very annoying and some humour is very slapsticky which was nowhere as good as the films verbal humour or humour through acting and/or stuntwork. Force Awakens gets a lot of hate but I still think it's an interesting and well written movie!