Christmas in Connecticut vs. Remember the Night



A Barbara Stanwyck Christmas match up! Remember the Night is the more sentimental of the two films, starting slow but gaining speed when Stanwyck and Fred MacMurray hit the road, and finding its heart when they arrive at the farm belonging to MacMurray's mother, played by the always wonderful Beulah Bondi. Christmas in Connecticut is a madcap thrill and a laugh a minute, showcasing Stanwyck at her rare, comic best, featuring another actor who is better known for dramas, Sydney Greenstreet, as well as S.z. Sakall in a scene stealing performance. Interestingly, both of Barbara's leading men sing in these films, with Dennis Mortan in CiC being particularly impressive. The laughs of Christmas in Connecticut win over the schmaltz of Remember the Night.

I also forgot that there is a very unfortunate, racist depiction of a black servant in Remember the Night. Brings its ranking down even lower for me.