Avengers: Age of Ultron vs. The Revenant



I think Avengers 2 was a top 20 film of the year in 15' while I know Revenant came out international in 2015 It was released Majorly in 16' an will be a top 20 film for sure and Leos performance was one of the best ive seen in a long while! Revenant is the better film in many ways but Avengers Ultron will be more rewatchable down the line!

Age of Ultron is fun, but The Revenant is far better in pretty much every way.

"I think Avengers 2 was a top 20 film of the year in 15'" Most true film fans feel this way. Personally, I put it right at the top. Movies like AoU are why they invented cinema in the first place.

Complete and utter domination by the Revenant.

Ultron wins. Leo had better pick his Marvel movie role before he gets too old and has to settle for a Robert Redford type old age role.

The good man is the friend of all living things. Heroes are heroes in any era.

"You're all weird." - Uncle Fok, 2012

I miss Fok. He was a very intelligent man, and a witty writer. In his place all we have are these inbred troglodytes.

No idea how Age of Ultron is leading this. I agree with JC13; The Revenant is far better in almost every way.

The Revenant. Only choice here.

I'll go with The Avengers, but I'm an admitted Marvel mark...


AoU takes this without flinching. The way more enjoyable film.

The Revenant was one of the most powerful movie experiences I've had in a long time. Age of Ultron, while entertaining, was just another Marvel flick that comes out every few months now.

You know Age of Ultron was better. Quite being pretentious all you film snobs of the world.

The Revenant is better, but both fell short of expectations.

I'll take Avengers here because it had pure entertainment to go along with its great performances. The Revenant is like watching an acting class but with a CGI bear thrown in at times.

This isn't a contest at all for me. The Revenant wins blindfolded.

The Revenant is great, but the action junkie in me gives edge to Avengers 2

Age of Ultron was fun for me.




The Revenant is the clear winner here.

Age of Ultron.

Avengers: Age of Ultron is full Avengers before the internal conflict and strife. Pure superhero film at its best. Wanted MORE of this from the MCU. They rushed too much to get to the conflict. Wanted more team and good guys vs bad guys and less good guys vs good guys.

Look, The Revenant isn't the most entertaining movie out there, but it's a brilliantly crafted film which leaves the popcorn Avengers for dead.

Avengers: Age of Ultron beats Leo and his bear humping all day every day.