Creed vs. Creed II



I actually preferred 2 to 1. Similar stuff but the tie in to Rocky IV makes it a bit more special for me.

I'll also say Creed II. Better antagonist.

Number II.


Creed II is an admirable follow-up, but Creed is on another level.

Creed II is a fine watch but almost completely forgettable. Creed is a masterpiece! So damn emotional and also is damn well made with great characterisation. It was refreshing for the Rocky franchise while Creed II suffers from being a template film.

Creed 2 continues the story that was started in Creed very well, but where it surpasses the original is the tie in to Rocky IV. The side story of Drago's family issues was fascinating. Took it over the top for me.

I think 2 is a good, solid sequel, but I think it's missing Ryan Cooler, both in script and direction. It's a little predictable, and lacks a little punch (pardon the pun) in the fight sequences. Creed 2 is an admirable follow-up, but it can't quite top it's predecessor.

*Coogler. Got auto-corrected. :/

Creed has much more emotional pull. II was well done but it doesn't touch the the first.

I actually prefered Creed II. Sure Creed is the better movie I guess, but the Rocky IV tie in for Creed II makes it better IMO. Plus it has a way better final fight.

I love them both. I'll go with Creed. There are some things the first Creed handles better and certain aspects the sequel handles better. I guess it comes down to direction and certain story beats and Coogler just does it better overall.

For me the best old Creed 2 the very risky things are in this film and then there really is the Great Return of Ivan Dragon