(500) Days of Summer vs. Annie Hall



Annie Hall of course, but nice pairing either way.

They're very similar movies, but (500) Days of Summer is so much funnier. I don't "get" Woody Allen.

Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet Disssssssssssssspoooooooooooosition...


(500) Days of Summer is essentially a modern Annie Hall. I love Summer and I think it is one of the few romantics that can even be mentioned in the same breath as Annie Hall, the greatest romantic comedy of all time.

DICKS DICKS DICKS DICKS DICKS DICKS DIIIIIIIIIIICKS. Oh yeah, (500) Days of Summer is hiiilaaaaaarious. And the characters are so likeable, too! He beats the shit out of someone for no good reason whatsoever and he's a complete dick, and she's a heartless bitch! And it's, like, the most original thing ever, cuz, it's shows the difference between expectations and reality and, like, that's so CLEVER. Best romantic comedy ever made! Woo! Butterflies! And dicks! Wooooooo! Ugh.

Replace dicks with penis, hmkay.

Annie Hall gave me a clearer lesson about relationship than (500) Days of Summer. I also don't like Summer position as a female because she portrays female's stereotype: confusing, emotional, bipolar, etc. Although I must admit (500) Days of Summer has more updated and modern style, it doesn't give a clear message about relationship between men and women, and it's too men-bias.

Easily Annie Hall

I hate Annie Hall. One of the most over rated boring movies ever made.

Both of these movies really do some creative things, and find really french new wave-esq things. But I definitely feel like 500 days of summer is 100X better.

Both are pleasant good but 500 Days is much indeed dramatic perfect!