Moonrise Kingdom vs. Fantastic Mr. Fox



Fantastic Mr. Fox is my least favorite Wes Anderson film but I still do love it Moonrise is not my number 1 but it's number 2

In my eyes, this is practically a tie. Both are solid flicks. I really enjoy Wes Anderson's work, but if every movie were a Wes Anderson movie, I'd probably despise the guy. He's terrific...but only in moderation.

Fantastic Mr. Fox. I really liked Moonrise Kingdom, but Fantastic Mr. Fox was my first Wes Anderson movie and I immediately loved it. It took me multiple viewings to appreciate Moonrise.

Fantastic Mr. Fox is a very enjoyable flick. It wins here.

Definitely Fantastic Mr. Fox.

I've been going through Wes Anderson's work in order and now have only Grand Budapest left. I'm not a fan of the guy. I've tried, but I just can't bring myself to like him. He's talented, don't get me wrong, but I'm not big on his style I guess. Anyways after seeing 7 of his 8 films these are the only two I truly dislike. I'll go with the Fox.

Fantastic Mr. Fox blew me away the first time I saw it, still need to rewatch Moonrise Kingdom but didn't love it