The Terminator vs. Titanic



How do you choose between two completely different James Cameron films?

You go with The Terminator, that's how.. ;-)

Early Cameron wins.

titanic rulesssss


You people sicken me!

I'll pick Terminator in this matchup everyday and twice on Sunday

No question the Terminator rules. Just one T-800 would've livened up Titanic no end.

The Terminator is more intelligent.

Hey, was it The Terminator that taught me that a woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets? Hell no, it wasn't. Titanic wins. IT'S A DEEP OCEAN OF SECRETS!!! God bless James Cameron and his insight on chicks.

Ill pick Terminator but neither of them are good.

Terminator's okay I guess, so it wins. When I saw Titanic as a relative youngin', that was the first time I really started noticing cliches and devices rather than just getting a seamless, organic viewing experience out of the movie. Like I could tell when I was being talked down to by the movie, like "laugh now", "be sad now." You're not supposed to pick up on that stuff as a kid. That overproduced predictable drama scandalized me.

TITANIC is king of the world

An iceberg didn't cause the Titanic to sink; it was a Terminator. I mean, it seems pretty obvious.

Terminator by far

Titanic is the superior James Cameron film.


Terminator over Titanic, but Kate Winslet's boob over Linda Hamilton's boobs.

I'll go Titanic, which quite frankly...surprises even me...

100% Titanic

Terminator is the better of the two Cameron classics.


Terminator wins. It was a simpler time when James Cameron just wanted to make cool movies about robots and stuff, not melodramatic romances.

Terminator is good but not Titanic leavel good

Terminator > Titanic. Bigger budget doesn't mean a better movie.

While I did enjoy Titanic, The Terminator wins this