The Godfather Part III vs. Back to the Future Part III



Had it been any other Back to the Future, it would win.

You don't get to see "Part III" movies anymore. Most sequels now just stick to the number, or they go colon crazy a la Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Caribbean, etc. I must say, I prefer the "Part"s, they're much more classy. I also prefer Back to the Future Part III over Godfather Part III.

Part III is the more complete experience for me.

Both the weakest entry in their respective trilogies, but they are both amazing nonetheless. Godfather for me.

Interesting. BttF 3 reached a point for me where I said "Alright, guys, isn't funny anymore, can you stop now? Please? No? Okay...". The whole "same actor playing different family member" got really tiring for me. I'll let my list decide, but both are pretty damn weak., even if they're technically not bad movies.

Godfather III gets a lot of hate and some of it is justified but not THAT much. Still, BTTF III wins here.

Back to the Future is the better third installment.