The Forgotten vs. Children of Men



If I may be male for a second, if it's got Julianne Moore in it then I'm unlikely to be too disapointed. Still Children of Men is the superior movie by no small measure.


I love Julianne Moore as well but Children of Men was fantastic and her other film here is easily Forgotten.

Forgotten is a miserable excuse for a movie while Children Of Men is a cinematic masterpiece.

Children of Men, and it's not even close. The Forgotten is an apropos title for the other film. Really, has there EVER been a film with the "it was aliens all along" twist ending that was ever considered good? It's right up there with "it was all a dream".

Children of Men easily.

Ahem… let me go ahead and cast my lone vote for one of my guilty pleasures. I haven’t seen it in years, but I remember being fascinated by it when way back when it first came out. Of course Children of Men is the proper answer, but I’m going with The Forgotten… at least for now.