Rosemary's Baby vs. The Exorcist



God, not thirty seconds after ROSEMARY'S BABY vs. THE OMEN, I get ROSEMARY'S BABY vs. THE EXORCIST. I hate you, Flickchart. THE EXORCIST it is. Sorry, Roman.

flip a coin

While I enjoy Rosemary's Baby, The Exorcist is on a different level. Everything about it is just so damn creepy.

the scarier movie wins

Two classics of the genre. In the end, I have to give it to Rosemary's Baby. I just liked it a little bit more.

Would i prefer to dip my left hand in something gross or my right hand? It doesn't matter. Time has so not been kind to these two films. There's a lot of scenes where someone sits or stands around or walks somewhere looking apprehensive, and then something crazy happens for awhile. Linda Blair spitting pea soup or Mia Farrow not spitting pea soup. Is there much of a difference?

Man...tough call. Gotta go with The Exorcist, but both of these are required viewing.

Sorry Regan but Rosemary and her baby freaked me out much more.

Rosemary's Baby freaked me out so much more, even on a psychological level. It has a much better effect on me than Exorcist.

The Exorcist.

Ewww...I haven't seen either of these films, and don't want to. But given what I have read about them, I'd probably choose The Exorcist. Why? Either I could say because it seems to be the scarier one (if that were my interest) or more likely (in my case) because the evil is dispelled by the end of the film.

In a way, most plots with any conflict in them use "evil" for entertainment to some degree.

Yeah, I'm also one of those "evil's gotta go down" guys, so The Exorcist is my pick here.

The Exorcist is my pick here simply because I've studied it a lot more, but it's very close and I can see my opinion changing when I revisit Rosemary's Baby. The Exorcist unfortunately loses a lot of steam during the actual exorcism. Rosemary's Baby has the added benefit of that ridiculously eerie theme song...

Exorcist for me man but I haven't seen Rosemary's Baby in a long time so I don't know if my answer will change but let me tell you it's going to be pretty hard to beat The Exorcist in my book

the Exorciest is the better overall film even though I find Rosemarys Baby more creepy cause everyone is out to get here and its a twisted;y beautiful film with weird characters and a good story however the Exorcist has more complex characters and better effects which is saying something since it came out 5 years later its very scary and gross saw it when i was 13 and The girl looked like my younger sister and I was afraid she would become a demon and do shit like that a masterpiece of the genre!

I love Both films Rosemarys Baby might be great but the Character study of the two priest are great plus the effects in Exorcist is crazy good both are on my loss of innocence list and both are pivetal in the Horror genre Exorcist wins by a small account.

It's Rosemary's Baby for me. Probably because it works on the dark comedy level so well with the horror aspect. The film creates such a unique mood and draws you in. The Exorcist does similar things but Rosemary wins slightly.

Rosemary's Baby is too boring for my liking. So...The Exorcist.

Rosemary's Baby is far more beautiful and far more psychologically disturbing. It's the kind of horror film that works on the mind with subtlety, one that impacts your understanding of the sociology. The Exorcist is "scarier," but only while you're watching; its questions are a terror, but not ones that ripple into your experience of the world. Still, The Exorcist has quite an amazing screenplay. This is a hard battle, but I think it swings toward Rosemary's Baby, which might be the finest looking film I have ever seen.

Rosemary's Baby is in my top 10. Love the Exorcist, but Polanski wins here.

I wasn't crazy about the ending of Rosemary's Baby, and honestly nothing in it was quite as scary to me as the creaking in the attic in The Exorcist, but I feel like it's the film of greater artistry, and is more likely to stick with me.

Tough. The Exorcist is perhaps a little bit better though.

with her descent into paranoia, rosemary's baby is easily one of the most disturbing films i've ever seen. the exorcist doesn't do anything for me


The creepy stuff in Exorcist is creepier than the creepy stuff in Rosemary. And Exorcist took 40 mins to start becoming interesting (that is pretty bad when movies should be interesting from the get-go), Rosemary took more than double that time. Exorcist wins here!


Two of the most intense horror films of all time. The Exorcist is my favorite horror film period.

Both are excellent horror films, but I simply prefer The Exorcist, not even for any particular reason, I think.