Zero Dark Thirty vs. Lincoln



These two movies will likely be facing off against each other at the upcoming Oscars. Lincoln has more dramatic flair than the procedural Zero Dark Thirty and, for that, I give it the edge here.

This is a stupid question but, how was Day-Lewis?

For my money, his performance was flawless. Tommy Lee Jones steals the show, though.

I've read somewhere that the torture scenes in Zero Dark are a bit controversial. I'm not sure what's up with them though.

Yeah, the movie portrays enhanced interrogation in a very matter-of-fact way. Basically, it doesn't take a side on the issue and, apparently, that bothers certain people. Personally, I think going the "stay above the fray" route was the right way to go. To do anything different would've just distracted from the overall story being told.

The controversy surrounding ZDT is ridiculous. As Bigelow said "depiction is not endorsement". Removing the torture sequences would have been wrong. As for this matchup, though, I would say ZDT is the stronger film. The films are only two places apart on my 2012 top ten list, but I'd say that there's a considerable difference between the quality of the two.

Lincoln bored me. Liked Day-Lewis, though. ZDT wins this one by far.

faucet! elevator! apartment! color! z! 401k! enhanced interrogation! see? i can american too.

ZDT for me. Interesting that both these films are portray political ambiguity in relatively matter-of-fact ways (ZDT more so, but Day-Lewis's portrayal is suitably monumental and lacks investment, which works in the context of the film). Lincoln was a handsome film with excellent performances, cinematography, production design and screenplay, but it was bogged down by thick, old-American dialogue which I struggled to decipher. I have a lot of contacts who have served in both the UK and US military, including some in the special forces, and consequently I found ZDT more interesting and relevant. Not to mention the fact that while Lincoln was interesting, it was hardly particularly exciting, whereas ZDT had me on the edge of my seat for the duration. As for which one should win Best Picture, I'm still certain that Lincoln will scoop it because ZDT has too much controversial baggage with it (however misguided it may be). I'd be happy with either winning (although my personal favourite of all the films that have been nominated for Best Picture is still Life of Pi, having seen all of them except Amour and Beasts of the Southern Wild). So yeah, Lincoln was good, but ZDT was a masterpiece.


So the comment-counting on the top has been screwed up because some people left multiple comments, thanks for ruining the purpose of these discussions. If you want to argue with someone about something, go to their actual page and do it there. Anyway, onto the rankings. I actually preferred Zero Dark Thirty to Lincoln. Don't get me wrong, I respect Day-Lewis for his commitment and performance. It's just that the writers and directors made a lot of mistakes in the film, not exactly historically but just with where they could have begun the film and - more importantly - ended it. It just kinda started abruptly and then ran on for a little longer than it should. Zero Dark Thirty covered the main character's perspective from her arrival to her departure from the Middle East. It was well structured, and I guess I'm the only one who thinks it was a drastic improvement compared to the god-awful Hurt Locker. Hell, Zero Dark Thirty was even infinitely better than ARGO, and it's a shame that everyone else didn't see it that way.

Lincoln was pretty damn good, but ZDT just sucked me the fuck into it. My favorite film of the year.

I respect your opinion, Fiction_Fox, but I have to disagree that I somehow ruined the purpose of the discussion by posting more than one comment. The creators of Flickchart (Nathan/"Zampa" and Jeremy/"Prophasi") have left multiple comments in discussions themselves, so clearly they didn't intend these discussions to be "one comment only."


zero dark thirty


I also love the way Zero Dark Thirty used it's subject matter to keep the viewer engaged throughout and enhance the story. This way, even when you know how it all turns out, it turns out more intense then you ever would of thought do to those previous scenes. Also, the way that it doesn't take a side WAS brilliant. Lincoln portrayed that amazing man's life in a way no other film could, with an amazing performance from Day-Lewis. These are two of 2012's best, in fact they are back to back on my top 10 list. #7 and #8. I have to give the edge to ZDT though. Just brilliant filmmaking.