Netflix Instant Watch Weekly Roundup

Dan Rohr

Dan lives for five things: Movies, Jazz Rap, Statistics, Chili, and his family who have no idea how huge a nerd he really is. Like almost everybody else on this page, he has a job dealing with computer/internet-y things for a company he helped start after college. You can find him on Flickchart as espin39.  

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11 Responses

  1. WillHunting says:

    Today, Red State and Winnebego Man went up.

  2. Sara says:

    @60d029c03c94316dab628990e6dca915:disqus Thanks for the update!

  3. WillHunting says:

    No problem, I use Its not very good at telling what is upcoming but it has a nicely organized list of movies which just went up.

  4. movieguyjon says:

    I’m marginally curious to see Paranormal Activity 2. The first one was alright, and I’m interested to see if they expand on the universe any. Haven’t really read any reviews on it though. Probably should.

    Saw Being Human as I was perusing Netflix. Definitely want to add that to my queue.