‘Moneyball’ Trailer With Brad Pitt Debuts

Dan Rohr

Dan lives for five things: Movies, Jazz Rap, Statistics, Chili, and his family who have no idea how huge a nerd he really is. Like almost everybody else on this page, he has a job dealing with computer/internet-y things for a company he helped start after college. You can find him on Flickchart as espin39.  

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1 Response

  1. I think it’s unfair to charge that not having a trophy undermines the drama of Beane’s story.  If anything, it makes it more fascinating because it doesn’t as yet have a conventional, satisfying conclusion.  Yet, there’s no mistaking the impact that Beane has had on the game.  The Boston Red Sox owe their success of the last decade directly to adopting sabremetrics.

    Moneyball may prove the most topical film of 2011.  Its theme is how an outdated way of running an entire industry was challenged by someone with a vision for how to do things not just differently, but better.  As we continue to languish economically, the story so far has been told of all the laborers out of work and the investors who screwed the pooch.  What we’re not hearing much of is how there’s a dearth of visionary leadership in the private sector.

    The modern corporate leadership appears to be concerned exclusively with their personal bonuses, but do not see beyond their own gilt-edged walls.  They accept mediocrity–even encourage it at times–so long as they are taken care of personally.  Beane defied that mindset in baseball at a time when really the only other owner with a passion for winning was George Steinbrenner.  Rather than find the cheapest players he could, Beane wanted the most talented players he could afford.  Even though it hasn’t led to a championship in Oakland, that philosophy has spread.

    What Beane did was prove that an organization didn’t have to spend obscene sums of cash to be competitive.  One of the key philosophies of Moneyball is that baseball owners kept overlooking talented players through poor scouting.  Who among us in 2011 doesn’t believe that we could excel if just given the opportunity that keeps eluding us?

    That the film won’t end with the Oakland A’s celebrating a World Series win is immaterial.  The thesis is that a vision of operation that values competition over protectionism, and that will resonate.