Matchup of the Day: Sleepaway Camp vs. April Fool’s Day

Chad Hoolihan

Having no affiliation with any spiritual or philosophical movements, Chad instead attempts to find meaning through watching movies.  He also enjoys  watching birds fight over food in supermarket parking lots.

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3 Responses

  1. Ty Tag says:

    The ending of Sleepaway Camp is super creepy,but I enjoy April Fools Day more especially for some of the character actors in it.

  2. Chad Hoolihan says:

    Yeah, it depends on one’s tastes. Sleepaway Camp is weird and twisted, while April Fool’s is a bit more normal. It has it’s charms, but I prefer the madness of Sleepaway.

  3. Luke Hoare says:

    April Fools Day all the way for me. Both have great twist endings but I just love April Fools Day.