How to Have Your Own TCM Classic Film Festival with Netflix, Hulu, and Prime

Jandy Hardesty

Jandy is especially drawn to classic, off-beat, and foreign film, but loves a good blockbuster action sequence, too. You can find her on Flickchart as faithx5. She also writes at The Frame, and co-hosts the occasional podcast Not at Odds at Row Three.

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7 Responses

  1. Really, you could do it all (kinda pretentiously, ahem) on hulu. They have 900 or so Criterion movies.

    • Jandy Hardesty says:

      You could have a great classic film festival on HuluPlus, yes – most of them aren’t playing at this year’s TCM Classic Film Festival, though, which is where I pulled the list of films from. I had to throw in HuluPlus to get to include Limelight, though – I love how many Chaplin films are on HuluPlus/Criterion now.

  2. David Conrad says:

    I believe Shirley MacLaine will be at the festival for a screening of The Apartment? I think I read that somewhere.

    For reasons unknown to me, Limelight is rather popular in Japan, at least as a concept. A lot of schoolkids know the basic story, because it’s used in a couple of major English textbooks, and they often choose to recite it/act it out for competitions. I’ve never seen it.

    • Jandy Hardesty says:

      Yes, she will! She’ll be at the fest for The Apartment, The Children’s Hour, and also a taped Conversation that will be broadcast on TCM later this year. I’m going to try to see her at The Apartment, but I’m not sure I’m going to make it.

      That’s interesting. I wonder why it’s got cultural cache there? I haven’t seen it or his two features after it, either. Definitely something I’d like to catch up with soon.

  3. Dusty says:

    so weird that you post this! cause ive been watching every film on the 2012 TCM genre list for 2 weeks now! and ive always been a classic films fan but I have a whole new appreciation for them now Ive found some real gems that I love now! like Charade,Sullivans Travels and Bringing Up Baby! great idea and blog post! Im HorrorHistorian5 by the way!

    • Jandy Hardesty says:

      Nice! Yeah, we covered the festival in much more depth in 2012 here on the Flickchart blog, so there was a genre list for it that year. They always have a great line-up every year.

  4. Ty Tag says:

    we really need to have a Flickfest and have a movie marathon night,if it were in florida Id definatly join.