30 Years of Reese’s Pieces: The Cinematic Summer of 1982

Aaron Cochrane

Aaron Cochrane once went to see Star Wars three times in one day.  This is not something he is necessarily proud of, but it's a pretty good indicator of just how obsessive he can be when a movie strikes his fancy.  Other trivia about Aaron: he enjoys tea and Jammie Dodgers, watching kung fu movies with his wife, and the word "fancy".  He is also pretty good at Ms. Pac-Man.  Aaron can be found on Flickchart as Aaron75, and if, for some reason, that's still not enough Aaron, he blogs irregularly at funkycarter.com

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10 Responses

  1. Derek Armstrong says:

    Nice piece. Nothing to add. 

    • Csschneider says:

      1982 was the year of my birth.  (Yup, fast approaching 30) but the shockwave that affected the industry was felt by my some three years later.  My parents took me, their first born, to the theater for the first time as an experiment.  That year I saw Pinocchio (still my fave Disney film) and a second run screening of E.T.  According to both my parents they were worried about scaring me, and ruining other’s enjoyment of the cinematic experience.  Thankfully I was good and apparently mesmerized by both films.  And how did that shockwave of 1982 get felt by me?  Well two days before I was born my mother went to see Poltergeist and claims it was the most active I ever was in the womb.  Couple that nice bit of personal legend with seeing E.T. and thirty years later you have an up and coming cinematographer approaching his third Indie feature as a DP and countless shorts and other such works as the legacy E.T., Poltergeist and the Summer of ’82 gave me.

  2. Ryan Stuckey says:

    I don’t really like TRON either, and as much as it baffles people…I’m quite neutral towards E.T.

    And now that I’ve soured people on my cinematic opinion…

    I suggest giving The Thing
    prequel a chance. It is what happened to the Russian outpost that they
    visit in Carpenter’s version and is pretty good. I was bummed it
    essentially got ignored last year when it was probably in my top 15 or
    20 for 2011.

  3. Ted Ehlers says:

    1982 is THE champion movie summer. It really was a highly concentrated run of future classics. I won’t spoil the party by mentioning Grease 2!

  4. I was three that summer. I can still recall my mom taking me to see E.T., though. For the most part, however, we didn’t go to a lot of movies in my youth. I reconstructed a list as best I and my brother could recall and it was a higher count than I had expected, but it still wasn’t something we did often. Going to see a movie – even at the $1 second run theaters, which was our norm – was always a magical outing for me. Even today, I get those butterflies when the lights dim and the trailers begin scrolling and I wait for everyone else to shut up and finish opening their concessions in time for the movie to begin.

    How you feel about the Summer of ’82 is how I feel about the Summer of ’96. We finally got a theater in my small town in late Summer/early Fall ’95. 1996 was the first full year of its operation, and by then I was 17 and more than capable of deciding for myself that I wanted to go see a movie. Some have aged better than others; some I still enjoy more for the association with the feeling I had going to the theater with my friends.

    But, yeah…I know that feeling you enjoyed and want to feel again. It’s why we keep buying tickets to go to a theater at all.

    • Yeah, 1996 was a good summer.  I remember going to see a lot of movies with my roommate, some decent (Mission:Impossible), some awful (Independence Day), and at least one that I still love (Trainspotting).  I also have a soft spot for The Rock; it’s the one Michael Bay movie I can tolerate.

  5. nastywill says:

    et scared the shit out of me wheni was a kid i hate that movie