10 Movies We Would Like to See Remade by Guillermo del Toro

Nigel Druitt

An avid Flickcharter since 2009, Nigel is a self-described fanboy whose Top 20 is dominated by the likes of Indiana Jones, Frodo Baggins and Marty McFly. Nigel is the Canadian arm of the Flickchart Blog, but try not to hold that against him. You can find him on Flickchart as johnmason.

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2 Responses

  1. Colin Biggs says:

    I would like to see Del Toro given a shot at the Batman franchise afterward, but I would rather he finish his Frankenstein film first. When will it get here?

  2. Jeff_C13 says:

    Good stuff.  I for one would have thought Del Toro would have looked a little more……….umm Spanish.  Didn’t know he was Milton from Office Space.