barrymuch's User Profile


5/5/2014 joined Flickchart

795 profile views

1222 rankings / 646 movies / 0 comments

52 days, 11 hours, 59 minutes spent watching movies

barrymuch's Favorite Movies

The Godfather Casablanca Cool Hand Luke The Godfather Part II Mad Max: Fury Road Guardians of the Galaxy The Empire Strikes Back Star Wars Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

barrymuch's Recently Added Movies

The Princess Bride Raging Bull 300 V for Vendetta The Notebook

The Best Movies barrymuch Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
Taxi Driver 47
The Thing 131
My Neighbor Totoro 142
Suspiria 262
Amélie 314
Her 361
Moonrise Kingdom 430
The Purple Rose of Cairo 463
Prisoners 478
Spotlight 569


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