lukiushaufoy's Most Recent Discussions


Man of Steel Superman Returns

lukiushaufoy's most recent comment is:

Man of Steel vs. Superman Returns

1 comment from lukiushaufoy / 26 total



on 4/18/2016 had this to say:

"Not even close. Superman Returns was an at least alright movie, and doesn't deserve nearly as much hate as it gets, in a world full of mediocre garbage cbm adaptations. Man of Steel butchered and raped superman to death. The cliches in it are ten times more obnoxious than any of the ones in Returns, eg. fucking SMASH ZOOMS, superman saves a falling person like ten fucking times. I also think Brandon Routh's performance is shat on way too much. It doesn't reach the heights of Christopher Reeve, but come on that's one of the greatest superhero performances of all time, but Routh at least was likeable and it was certainly an adequate portrayal imo. I like Henry Cavill's but fucking hell does Man of Steel's pretentious serious moments prevent him from shining in the role. Fuck Man of Steel."