Thebacon8er's User Profile


7/20/2019 joined Flickchart

8 profile views

989 rankings / 414 movies / 0 comments

34 days, 2 hours, 59 minutes spent watching movies

Thebacon8er's Favorite Movies

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Hot Fuzz The Dark Knight The Lion King Jaws 300 Life of Brian Finding Nemo

Thebacon8er's Recently Added Movies

Speed 2: Cruise Control Road to Perdition Police Academy Unforgiven The Place Beyond the Pines

The Best Movies Thebacon8er Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
Rear Window 15
Casablanca 25
Seven Samurai 26
Citizen Kane 42
Psycho 52
Vertigo 62
Chinatown 65
Throne of Blood 108
It's a Wonderful Life 150
Rio Bravo 157


Thebacon8er's Friends

So you gonna get some friends in here or what?

Thebacon8er's Discussions

All those rankings, and not a single comment. For shame!

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