Steven1689986's Most Recent Discussions


Thor: Ragnarok Logan

Steven1689986's most recent comment is:

Thor: Ragnarok vs. Logan

1 comment from Steven1689986 / 12 total



on 1/2/2018 had this to say:

"Logan was slightly funnier, not even joking more people laughed at Logan's comedic moments in my theater than in Thor Ragnarok. Logan was a somber exploration into religion, family, aging, death and how a life of killing affects people. Logan, Spider-man Homecoming and Wonder Woman were all movies that defined the characters we know and love. Logan is a warrior who has lost his purpose due to his nigh-immortal life-span, a man fighting for nothing and permanently damaged by his life of killing. This was best illustrated in the scene where he looks at his dog-tags, and the scene where he wakes up alone in the desert. Logan, Professor X and X-23 are all characters trying to escape their sinful past but ultimately stumbles as society continues to oppress them. X-23 is the only character who can still achieve redemption out of the three characters, as Logan and Charles died before they got to retire peacefully. Who exactly is Thor? Is he a wisecracking brute or an honorable warrior? That's not to say Thor Ragnarok did not have depth, it just felt more like another inconsequential fun adventure in Marveland more than anything. Yeah the movie was a lot of fun and was pretty unique, but Logan was the more complete experience."