Maitellejoekuhs's User Profile


5/27/2019 joined Flickchart

256 profile views

938 rankings / 522 movies / 0 comments

41 days, 18 hours, 44 minutes spent watching movies

Maitellejoekuhs's Favorite Movies

John Wick: Chapter 2 Speed The Matrix John Wick Die Hard John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure Point Break Hardball Hot Fuzz

Maitellejoekuhs's Recently Added Movies

Final Destination Beverly Hills Cop My Big Fat Greek Wedding Reindeer Games Carrie

The Best Movies Maitellejoekuhs Hasn't Seen

Movie Rank
Casablanca 25
M 28
Schindler's List 57
Chinatown 65
Throne of Blood 108
His Girl Friday 117
The Big Sleep 125
Aguirre: The Wrath of God 127
The Searchers 138
Laura 164


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