The Best Movies of 1998

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The Best Movies of 1998
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
2112 Ringu 1998 Hideo Nakata NR -
2191 Armageddon 1998 Michael Bay PG13 -
2214 The Red Violin 1998 François Girard R -
2232 Shakespeare in Love 1998 John Madden R -
2327 He Got Game 1998 Spike Lee R -
2375 Zero Effect 1998 Jake Kasdan R -
2406 Central Station 1998 Walter Salles R -
2491 Show Me Love 1998 Lukas Moodysson NR -
2510 Velvet Goldmine 1998 Todd Haynes R -
2568 Waking Ned Devine 1998 Kirk Jones PG -

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