The Best Movies of the 2000s that nukethewhales Hasn't Seen

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The Best Movies of the 2000s that nukethewhales Hasn't Seen
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
710 Gran Torino 2008 Clint Eastwood R -
915 Collateral 2004 Michael Mann R -
1008 Eastern Promises 2007 David Cronenberg R -
1158 Milk 2008 Gus Van Sant R -
1268 Blood Diamond 2006 Edward Zwick R -
1320 Downfall 2004 Oliver Hirschbiegel R -
1363 Sunshine 2007 Danny Boyle R -
1526 The Aviator 2004 Martin Scorsese PG13 -
1612 Brokeback Mountain 2005 Ang Lee R -
1727 American Gangster 2007 Ridley Scott R -
1872 Blow 2001 Ted Demme R -
1925 Atonement 2007 Joe Wright R -
2073 Step Brothers 2008 Adam McKay R -
2138 Stardust 2007 Matthew Vaughn PG13 -
2320 United 93 2006 Paul Greengrass R -
2343 The Fountain 2006 Darren Aronofsky PG13 -
2425 The Reader 2008 Stephen Daldry R -
2648 Apocalypto 2006 Mel Gibson R -
2964 Chocolat 2000 Lasse Hallström PG13 -
3003 Perfume: The Story of a Murderer 2006 Tom Tykwer R -

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