k1992k's Favorite Movies of the 1990s

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k1992k's Favorite Movies of the 1990s
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
242 The Green Mile 1999 Frank Darabont R -
9527 Peppermint Candy 1999 Chang-dong Lee NR -
7372 Cyclo 1995 Tran Anh Hung NR -
1846 The Piano 1993 Jane Campion R -
792 Misery 1990 Rob Reiner R -
19 The Silence of the Lambs 1991 Jonathan Demme R -
206 American Beauty 1999 Sam Mendes R -
1613 Happy Together 1997 Wong Kar-Wai NR -
1939 Farewell, My Concubine 1993 Kaige Chen R -
8277 Maborosi 1995 Hirokazu Koreeda NR -

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