Fridenpaden's Favorite Movies of the 1910s

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Fridenpaden's Favorite Movies of the 1910s
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
8688 Billy Blazes, Esq. 1919 Hal Roach NR -
4160 The Birth of a Nation 1915 D.W. Griffith NR -
2489 Broken Blossoms 1919 D.W. Griffith NR -
3445 The Tramp 1915 Charles Chaplin NR -
6792 Just Neighbors 1919 Harold Lloyd, Frank Terry NR -
6168 Bumping Into Broadway 1919 H.M. Walker G -
9029 The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 1910 Otis Turner NR -
4965 The Cameraman's Revenge 1912 Wladyslaw Starewicz NR -
4855 The Vagabond 1916 Charles Chaplin NR -

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