Edmond666's Most Recently Added Movies

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Edmond666's Most Recently Added Movies
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
863 The Game 1997 David Fincher R -
2583 The Ring 2002 Gore Verbinski PG13 -
842 Mulholland Dr. 2001 David Lynch R -
1648 The Pink Panther 1963 Blake Edwards NR -
5032 Lady in White 1988 Frank LaLoggia PG13 -
823 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 2011 David Fincher R -
545 Gone Girl 2014 David Fincher R -
712 Dark City 1998 Alex Proyas R -
762 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 2001 Chris Columbus PG -
3966 The Faculty 1998 Robert Rodriguez R -
12603 Snakes on a Plane 2006 David R. Ellis R -
1532 I Am Legend 2007 Francis Lawrence PG13 -
359 American Psycho 2000 Mary Harron R -
1106 School of Rock 2003 Richard Linklater PG13 -

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